
Colon Cancer Screening

Board Certified Gastroenterologists located in Fishkill, NY

Colon Cancer Screening

Colorectal cancer starts when healthy cells in your colon or rectum change and grow.  They form.  They form a mass called tumor.  The number of colon cancer diagnoses is falling, thanks mainly to colon cancer screenings. At Hudson Valley Endoscopy Center in Fishkill, New York, Ravi Hotchandani, MD, and Arthur Walczyk, MD, and their team offer colon cancer screenings as part of their preventive care program. The board-certified gastroenterologists use the latest screening technology and provide care in a comfortable setting. Call today or book your colon cancer screening online.

Colon Cancer Screening Q&A

Why do I need colon cancer screening?

You need colon cancer screening because it can save your life. Colorectal cancer (cancer of the colon and rectum is the third most common cancer diagnosed in the United States. A colon cancer screening looks for cancer and precancerous tissue before you have symptoms. Colonoscopy is the gold standard for colon screening.

Finding colon cancer in its early stages improves your chances of a full recovery.

During a colon cancer screening, the Hudson Valley Endoscopy Center, Fishkill, NY, looks for and removes colon polyps, benign (noncancerous) growths found on the inner lining of the large intestine. Though most polyps are harmless, they can turn into cancer over time.

Removing colon polyps lowers your risk of colon cancer.

I’m 40. When should I start colon cancer screening?

Your primary care provider and our team of gastroenterologist at Northern Medical Group can help you determine when to start colon cancer screening. The gastroenterologist at Northern Medical Group perform their screening in the state-of-the-art endoscopy center, Hudson Valley Endsocpy Center, Fishkill, NY.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend adults start colon cancer screenings at 45, with follow-up screenings at regular intervals. You might need to begin screenings sooner than 45 if you have an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) (ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease) or a personal history of colon polyps.

People with a family history of colon cancer also benefit from earlier screenings.

What happens during colonoscopy?

Upon arriving to Hudson Valley Endoscopy Center procedure area, your nurse, team of doctors will explain the process you will undergo.   An IV will be used to administer sedation so you can be relaxed throught the entire procedure.  During the procedure, a flexible tube with a camera will be passed from your rectum to your large intestine.  The camera takes video images as it moves trrough the colon, trasmitting those images to a monitor where tthe doctor can view your colon.  f a polyp or abnormatal area is seen, the polyp can be removed, and itssue samples can be taken using the scopy.  The polyp or tissue sames will be sent to a lab for evaluation.  

Is it time for your colon screening? Call the doctors at Northern Medicla Group who perform their procedures at Hudson Valley Endoscopy Center today or schedule an appointment online.

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